2010 Place-of-Work PUMA Definitions
The 2010 definitions of Place-of-Work Public Use Microdata Areas (Place-of-Work PUMAs) are used in 2012 and later ACS and PRCS samples to identify where respondents worked. See the PWPUMA00 variable description for more information.
The 2005-2011 ACS and PRCS samples use 2000 Place-of-Work PUMA definitions. In Multi-Year ACS/PRCS files, PUMA boundaries depend on the year the respondent was interviewed. (See MULTYEAR.) For example, in the 2010-2012 3-year ACS sample, responses from 2010 and 2011 use 2000 definitions of Place-of-Work PUMAs, while responses from 2012 use 2010 definitions.
Composition and Relationship Files
- 2010 Place-of-Work PUMA Composition: Relationships between 2010 PUMAs, Migration PUMAs, and Place-of-Work PUMAs
- Each Place-of-Work PUMA corresponds exactly to one or more PUMAs.
- 2010 Place-of-Work PUMAs and Migration PUMAs are identical, so their relationships to PUMAs are the same.
- 2000-2010 Place-of-Work PUMA Crosswalk: Includes 2000 population, 2010 population, and land area for each intersection between 2000 and 2010 Place-of-Work PUMAs
For relationships between 2000 PUMAs and Place-of-Work PUMAs, see the 2000 Place-of-Work PUMAs resource page.
Map of 2010 and 2000 Place-of-Work PUMAs
Zooming into an area of interest on the map below will show both the 2010 (in blue) and 2000 (in orange) Place-of-Work PUMAs. Gray lines represent County boundaries. Clicking on an area will highlight and describe the 2010 Place-of-Work PUMA, 2000 Place-of-Work PUMA, and county associated with the selected area. You can select which boundaries you want to view using the Layers menu at the top of the map.
There is also a larger map containing the same information.
Boundary File
- 2010 place of work PUMAs (shapefile within a .ZIP file)