ACS Occupation Codes (OCC)

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This page presents the 2000-2013 American Community Survey occupational classification system recorded in the IPUMS variable OCC. The 2005-2009 ACS samples contain less detail than the 2000-2004 ACS samples. Due to confidentiality requirements, the 2005-2009 ACS codes combine some codes from the earlier ACS coding scheme. In 2010, the ACS codes changed dramatically. This tables notes changes in the coding scheme over time by referencing which new categories are included in the prior code. For example, In 2000-2004, Chief Executives and Legislators were separate categories (10 and 30 respectively). After 2004, they were combined into a single category ("Chief executives and legislators") with a code of 10. In addition, although this table displays codes as four digits for all of the years, this change only occurred starting in 2003. For years 2000 through 2002, the codes are 3 digits and are simply missing the last zero of the codes in the first column below.

The ACS data also contain an alternative classification recorded in OCCSOC. In addition to these contemporary systems, the IPUMS codes all census years into the 1950 occupation classification scheme, recording them in the variable OCC1950. The census occupation classification system changed markedly in 2000, so the correspondence of ACS occupation codes to the 1950 categories is more problematic than for earlier census years. Researchers interested in the period from 1980 to the present should consider using OCC1990. OCC1990 codes occupations into a simplified version of the 1990 occupational coding scheme. The OCC1950 and OCC1990 classifications have corresponding occupational standing measures recorded in the variables SEI, HWSEI, NPBOSS50, NPBOSS90, PRESGL, PRENT, EDSCOR50, EDSCOR90, ERSCOR50, ERSCOR90, and OCCSCORE. Our essay on "Integrated Occupation and Industry codes and Occupational Standing Variables in the IPUMS" describes how we construct harmonized occupational variables as well as occupational standing variables.

*Less than 16 years old/unemployed who never worked/NILF who last worked more than 5 years ago.

2000-2004 ACS OCC 2005-2009 ACS OCC 2010-2013 ACS OCC
Code Occupation Name Code Occupation Name Code Occupation Name
0000 N/A* 0000 N/A* 0000 N/A*
Management, Business, Science, and Arts Occupations
0010 Chief Executives 0010 Chief executives and legislators 0010 Chief executives and legislators
0030 Legislators
0020 General and Operations Managers 0020 General and Operations Managers 0020 General and Operations Managers
0040 Advertising and Promotions Managers 0040 Advertising and Promotions Managers 0040 Advertising and Promotions Managers
0050 Marketing and Sales Managers 0050 Marketing and Sales Managers 0050 Marketing and Sales Managers
0060 Public Relations Managers 0060 Public Relations Managers 0060 Public Relations and Fundraising Managers
0100 Administrative Services Managers 0100 Administrative Services Managers 0100 Administrative Services Managers
0110 Computer and Information Systems Managers 0110 Computer and Information Systems Managers 0110 Computer and Information Systems Managers
0120 Financial Managers 0120 Financial Managers 0120 Financial Managers
0130 Human Resources Managers 0130 Human Resources Managers
0135 Compensation and Benefits Managers
0136 Human Resources Managers
0137 Training and Development Managers
0140 Industrial Production Managers 0140 Industrial Production Managers 0140 Industrial Production Managers
0150 Purchasing Managers 0150 Purchasing Managers 0150 Purchasing Managers
0160 Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers 0160 Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers 0160 Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers
0200 Farm, Ranch, and Other Agricultural Managers 0200 Farm, Ranch, and Other Agricultural Managers 0205 Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers
0210 Farmers and Ranchers 0210 Farmers and Ranchers
0220 Constructions Managers 0220 Constructions Managers 0220 Constructions Managers
0230 Education Administrators 0230 Education Administrators 0230 Education Administrators
0300 Engineering Managers 0300 Engineering Managers 0300 Architectural and Engineering Managers
0310 Food Service Managers 0310 Food Service Managers 0310 Food Service Managers
0320 Funeral Directors 0320 Funeral Directors 4465 Morticians, Undertakers, and Funeral Directors
0430 Miscellaneous Managers, Including Funeral Service Managers and Postmasters and Mail Superintendents
0400 Postmasters and Mail Superintendents 0430 Miscellaneous managers including postmasters and mail superintendents
0330 Gaming Managers 0330 Gaming Managers 0330 Gaming Managers
0340 Lodging Managers 0340 Lodging Managers 0340 Lodging Managers
0350 Medical and Health Services Managers 0350 Medical and Health Services Managers 0350 Medical and Health Services Managers
0360 Natural Science Managers 0360 Natural Science Managers 0360 Natural Science Managers
0410 Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers 0410 Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers 0410 Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers
0420 Social and Community Service Managers 0420 Social and Community Service Managers 0420 Social and Community Service Managers
- - - - 0425 Emergency Management Directors
Business Operations Specialists
0500 Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes 0500 Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes 0500 Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes
0510 Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products 0510 Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products 0510 Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products
0520 Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products 0520 Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products 0520 Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm Products
0530 Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products 0530 Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products 0530 Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products
0540 Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners, and Investigators 0540 Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners, and Investigators 0540 Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners, and Investigators
0560 Compliance Officers, Except Agriculture, Construction, Health and Safety, and Transportation 0560 Compliance Officers, Except Agriculture, Construction, Health and Safety, and Transportation 0565 Compliance Officers
3945 Transportation Security Screeners
0600 Cost Estimators 0600 Cost Estimators 0600 Cost Estimators
0620 Human Resources, Training, and Labor Relations Specialists 0620 Human Resources, Training, and Labor Relations Specialists
0630 Human Resource Workers
0640 Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists
0650 Training and Development Specialists
0700 Logisticians 0700 Logisticians 0700 Logisticians
0710 Management Analysts 0710 Management Analysts 0710 Management Analysts
0720 Meeting and Convention Planners 0720 Meeting and Convention Planners 0725 Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners
- - - - 0726 Fundraisers
0730 Other Business Operations Specialists 0730 Other Business Operations Specialists
0735 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists
0740 Business Operations Specialists, All Other
Financial Specialists
0800 Accountants and Auditors 0800 Accountants and Auditors 0800 Accountants and Auditors
0810 Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate 0810 Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate 0810 Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate
0820 Budget Analysts 0820 Budget Analysts 0820 Budget Analysts
0830 Credit Analysts 0830 Credit Analysts 0830 Credit Analysts
0840 Financial Analysts 0840 Financial Analysts 0840 Financial Analysts
0850 Personal Financial Advisors 0850 Personal Financial Advisors 0850 Personal Financial Advisors
0860 Insurance Underwriters 0860 Insurance Underwriters 0860 Insurance Underwriters
0900 Financial Examiners 0900 Financial Examiners 0900 Financial Examiners
0910 Credit Counselors and Loan Officers 0910 Credit Counselors and Loan Officers 0910 Credit Counselors and Loan Officers
0930 Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents 0930 Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents 0930 Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents
0940 Tax Preparers 0940 Tax Preparers 0940 Tax Preparers
0950 Financial Specialists, All Other 0950 Financial Specialists, All Other 0950 Financial Specialists, All Other
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
1000 Computer Scientists and Systems Analysts 1000 Computer Scientists and Systems Analysts
1005 Computer and Information Research Scientists
1006 Computer Systems Analysts
1107 Computer Occupations, All Other
1106 Computer Network Architects
1110 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts 1110 Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
1007 Information Security Analysts
1030 Web Developers
1010 Computer Programmers 1010 Computer Programmers 1010 Computer Programmers
1020 Computer Software Engineers 1020 Computer Software Engineers 1020 Software Developers, Applications and Systems Software
1040 Computer Support Specialists 1040 Computer Support Specialists 1050 Computer Support Specialists
1060 Database Administrators 1060 Database Administrators 1060 Database Administrators
1100 Network and Computer Systems Administrators 1100 Network and Computer Systems Administrators 1105 Network and Computer Systems Administrators
1200 Actuaries 1200 Actuaries 1200 Actuaries
1210 Mathematicians 1240 Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations, including mathematicians and statisticians 1240 Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations, including mathematicians and statisticians
1230 Statisticians
1240 Miscellaneous Mathematical Scientists and Technicians
1220 Operations Research Analysts 1220 Operations Research Analysts 1220 Operations Research Analysts
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
1300 Architects, Except Naval 1300 Architects, Except Naval 1300 Architects, Except Naval
1310 Surveyors, Cartographers, and Photogrammetrists 1310 Surveyors, Cartographers, and Photogrammetrists 1310 Surveyors, Cartographers, and Photogrammetrists
1320 Aerospace Engineers 1320 Aerospace Engineers 1320 Aerospace Engineers
- - 1340 Biomedical and agricultural engineers 1340 Biomedical and agricultural engineers
1350 Chemical Engineers 1350 Chemical Engineers 1350 Chemical Engineers
1360 Civil Engineers 1360 Civil Engineers 1360 Civil Engineers
1400 Computer Hardware Engineers 1400 Computer Hardware Engineers 1400 Computer Hardware Engineers
1410 Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1410 Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1410 Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1420 Environmental Engineers 1420 Environmental Engineers 1420 Environmental Engineers
1430 Industrial Engineers, including Health and Safety 1430 Industrial Engineers, including Health and Safety 1430 Industrial Engineers, including Health and Safety
1440 Marine Engineers and Naval Architects 1440 Marine Engineers and Naval Architects 1440 Marine Engineers and Naval Architects
1450 Materials Engineers 1450 Materials Engineers 1450 Materials Engineers
1460 Mechanical Engineers 1460 Mechanical Engineers 1460 Mechanical Engineers
1500 Mining and Geological Engineers, Including Mining Safety Engineers 1520 Petroleum, mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers 1520 Petroleum, mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers
1520 Petroleum Engineers
1510 Nuclear Engineers 1530 Miscellaneous engineeers including nuclear engineers 1530 Miscellaneous engineeers including nuclear engineers
1530 Engineers, All Other
1540 Drafters 1540 Drafters 1540 Drafters
1550 Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters 1550 Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters 1550 Engineering Technicians, Except Drafters
1560 Surveying and Mapping Technicians 1560 Surveying and Mapping Technicians 1560 Surveying and Mapping Technicians
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
1600 Agricultural and Food Scientists 1600 Agricultural and Food Scientists 1600 Agricultural and Food Scientists
1610 Biological Scientists 1610 Biological Scientists 1610 Biological Scientists
1640 Conservation Scientists and Foresters 1640 Conservation Scientists and Foresters 1640 Conservation Scientists and Foresters
1650 Medical Scientists 1650 Medical Scientists 1650 Medical Scientists, and Life Scientists, All Other
1700 Astronomers and Physicists 1700 Astronomers and Physicists 1700 Astronomers and Physicists
1710 Atmospheric and Space Scientists 1710 Atmospheric and Space Scientists 1710 Atmospheric and Space Scientists
1720 Chemists and Materials Scientists 1720 Chemists and Materials Scientists 1720 Chemists and Materials Scientists
1740 Environmental Scientists and Geoscientists 1740 Environmental Scientists and Geoscientists 1740 Environmental Scientists and Geoscientists
1760 Physical Scientists, All Other 1760 Physical Scientists, All Other 1760 Physical Scientists, All Other
1800 Economists 1800 Economists 1800 Economists
1810 Market and Survey Researchers 1810 Market and Survey Researchers - Comparable to OCC code 0735
1820 Psychologists 1820 Psychologists 1820 Psychologists
1830 Sociologists 1860 Miscellaneous social scientists including sociologists 1860 Miscellaneous Social Scientists, Including Survey Researchers and Sociologists
1860 Miscellaneous Social Scientists and Related Workers
1840 Urban and Regional Planners 1840 Urban and Regional Planners 1840 Urban and Regional Planners
1900 Agricultural and Food Science Technicians 1900 Agricultural and Food Science Technicians 1900 Agricultural and Food Science Technicians
1910 Biological Technicians 1910 Biological Technicians 1910 Biological Technicians
1920 Chemical Technicians 1920 Chemical Technicians 1920 Chemical Technicians
1930 Geological and Petroleum Technicians 1930 Geological and Petroleum Technicians 1930 Geological and Petroleum Technicians
1940 Nuclear Technicians 1940 Nuclear Technicians 1940 Nuclear Technicians
1960 Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, Including Social Science Research Assistants (and Nuclear Technicians in 5% file) 1960 Other Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians 1950 Social Science Research Assistants
1965 Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians
Community and Social Services Occupations
2000 Counselors 2000 Counselors 2000 Counselors
2010 Social Workers 2010 Social Workers 2010 Social Workers
2020 Miscellaneous Community and Social Service Specialists 2020 Miscellaneous Community and Social Service Specialists 2015 Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
2016 Social and Human Service Assistants
2025 Miscellaneous Community and Social Service Specialists, Including Health Educators and Community Health Workers
2040 Clergy 2040 Clergy 2040 Clergy
2050 Directors, Religious Activities and Education 2050 Directors, Religious Activities and Education 2050 Directors, Religious Activities and Education
2060 Religious Workers, All Other 2060 Religious Workers, All Other 2060 Religious Workers, All Other
Legal Occupations
2100 Lawyers - - 2105 Judicial Law Clerks
2100 Lawyers, and judges, magistrates, and other judicial workers 2100 Lawyers, and judges, magistrates, and other judicial workers
2110 Judges, Magistrates, and Other Judicial Workers
2140 Paralegals and Legal Assistants 2140 Paralegals and Legal Assistants 2145 Paralegals and Legal Assistants
2150 Miscellaneous Legal Support Workers 2150 Miscellaneous Legal Support Workers 2160 Miscellaneous Legal Support Workers
Education, Training, and Library Occupations
2200 Postsecondary Teachers 2200 Postsecondary Teachers 2200 Postsecondary Teachers
2300 Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers 2300 Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers 2300 Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers
2310 Elementary and Middle School Teachers 2310 Elementary and Middle School Teachers 2310 Elementary and Middle School Teachers
2320 Secondary School Teachers 2320 Secondary School Teachers 2320 Secondary School Teachers
2330 Special Education Teachers 2330 Special Education Teachers 2330 Special Education Teachers
2340 Other Teachers and Instructors 2340 Other Teachers and Instructors 2340 Other Teachers and Instructors
2400 Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians 2400 Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians 2400 Archivists, Curators, and Museum Technicians
2430 Librarians 2430 Librarians 2430 Librarians
2440 Library Technicians 2440 Library Technicians 2440 Library Technicians
2540 Teacher Assistants 2540 Teacher Assistants 2540 Teacher Assistants
2550 Other Education, Training, and Library Workers 2550 Other Education, Training, and Library Workers 2550 Other Education, Training, and Library Workers
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
2600 Artists and Related Workers 2600 Artists and Related Workers 2600 Artists and Related Workers
2630 Designers 2630 Designers 2630 Designers
2700 Actors 2700 Actors 2700 Actors
2710 Producers and Directors 2710 Producers and Directors 2710 Producers and Directors
2720 Athletes, Coaches, Umpires, and Related Workers 2720 Athletes, Coaches, Umpires, and Related Workers 2720 Athletes, Coaches, Umpires, and Related Workers
2740 Dancers and Choreographers 2740 Dancers and Choreographers 2740 Dancers and Choreographers
2750 Musicians, Singers, and Related Workers 2750 Musicians, Singers, and Related Workers 2750 Musicians, Singers, and Related Workers
2760 Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers, All Other 2760 Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers, All Other 2760 Entertainers and Performers, Sports and Related Workers, All Other
2800 Announcers 2800 Announcers 2800 Announcers
2810 News Analysts, Reporters and Correspondents 2810 News Analysts, Reporters and Correspondents 2810 News Analysts, Reporters and Correspondents
2820 Public Relations Specialists 2820 Public Relations Specialists 2825 Public Relations Specialists
2830 Editors 2830 Editors 2830 Editors
2840 Technical Writers 2840 Technical Writers 2840 Technical Writers
2850 Writers and Authors 2850 Writers and Authors 2850 Writers and Authors
2860 Miscellaneous Media and Communication Workers 2860 Miscellaneous Media and Communication Workers 2860 Miscellaneous Media and Communication Workers
2900 Broadcast and sound engineering technicians and radio operators 2900 Broadcast and Sound Engineering Technicians and Radio Operators, and media and communication equipment workers, all other 2900 Broadcast and Sound Engineering Technicians and Radio Operators, and media and communication equipment workers, all other
2960 Media and Communication Equipment Workers, All Other
2910 Photographers 2910 Photographers 2910 Photographers
2920 Television, Video, and Motion Picture Camera Operators and Editors 2920 Television, Video, and Motion Picture Camera Operators and Editors 2920 Television, Video, and Motion Picture Camera Operators and Editors
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
3000 Chiropractors 3000 Chiropractors 3000 Chiropractors
3010 Dentists 3010 Dentists 3010 Dentists
3030 Dieticians and Nutritionists 3030 Dieticians and Nutritionists 3030 Dieticians and Nutritionists
3040 Optometrists 3040 Optometrists 3040 Optometrists
3050 Pharmacists 3050 Pharmacists 3050 Pharmacists
3060 Physicians and Surgeons 3060 Physicians and Surgeons 3060 Physicians and Surgeons
3110 Physician Assistants 3110 Physician Assistants 3110 Physician Assistants
3120 Podiatrists 3120 Podiatrists 3120 Podiatrists
3130 Registered Nurses 3130 Registered Nurses 3255 Registered Nurses
3256 Nurse Anesthetists
3258 Nurse Practitioners, and Nurse Midwives
3140 Audiologists 3140 Audiologists 3140 Audiologists
3150 Occupational Therapists 3150 Occupational Therapists 3150 Occupational Therapists
3160 Physical Therapists 3160 Physical Therapists 3160 Physical Therapists
3200 Radiation Therapists 3200 Radiation Therapists 3200 Radiation Therapists
3210 Recreational Therapists 3210 Recreational Therapists 3210 Recreational Therapists
3220 Respiratory Therapists 3220 Respiratory Therapists 3220 Respiratory Therapists
3230 Speech Language Pathologists 3230 Speech Language Pathologists 3230 Speech Language Pathologists
3240 Therapists, All Other 3240 Therapists, All Other 3245 Other Therapists, Including Exercise Physiologists
3250 Veterinarians 3250 Veterinarians 3250 Veterinarians
3260 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other 3260 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other 3260 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners, All Other
3300 Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians 3300 Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians 3300 Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians
3310 Dental Hygienists 3310 Dental Hygienists 3310 Dental Hygienists
3320 Diagnostic Related Technologists and Technicians 3320 Diagnostic Related Technologists and Technicians 3320 Diagnostic Related Technologists and Technicians
3400 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics 3400 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics 3400 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics
3410 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioner Support Technicians 3410 Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioner Support Technicians 3420 Health Practitioner Support Technologists and Technicians
3500 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 3500 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses 3500 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses
3510 Medical Records and Health Information Technicians 3510 Medical Records and Health Information Technicians 3510 Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
3520 Opticians, Dispensing 3520 Opticians, Dispensing 3520 Opticians, Dispensing
3530 Miscellaneous Health Technologists and Technicians 3530 Miscellaneous Health Technologists and Technicians 3535 Miscellaneous Health Technologists and Technicians
3540 Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 3540 Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations 3540 Other Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Healthcare Support Occupations
3600 Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides 3600 Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides 3600 Nursing, Psychiatric, and Home Health Aides
3610 Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides 3610 Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides 3610 Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides
3620 Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides 3620 Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides 3620 Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides
3630 Massage Therapists 3630 Massage Therapists 3630 Massage Therapists
3640 Dental Assistants 3640 Dental Assistants 3640 Dental Assistants
3650 Medical Assistants and Other Healthcare Support Occupations, except dental assistants 3650 Medical Assistants and Other Healthcare Support Occupations, except dental assistants 3645 Medical Assistants
3646 Medical Transcriptionists
3647 Pharmacy Aides
3648 Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers
3649 Phlebotmists
3655 Healthcare Support Workers, All Other, Including Medical Equipment Preparers
Protective Service Occupations
3700 First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers 3700 First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers 3700 First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers
3710 First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives 3710 First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives 3710 First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives
3720 First-Line Supervisors of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers 3720 First-Line Supervisors of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers 3720 First-Line Supervisors of Fire Fighting and Prevention Workers
3730 Supervisors, Protective Service Workers, All Other 3730 Supervisors, Protective Service Workers, All Other 3730 Supervisors, Protective Service Workers, All Other
3740 Firefighters 3740 Firefighters 3740 Firefighters
3750 Fire Inspectors 3750 Fire Inspectors 3750 Fire Inspectors
3800 Bailiffs, Correctional Officers, and Jailers 3800 Bailiffs, Correctional Officers, and Jailers 3800 Bailiffs, Correctional Officers, and Jailers
3820 Detectives and Criminal Investigators 3820 Detectives and Criminal Investigators 3820 Detectives and Criminal Investigators
3830 Fish and Game Wardens 3840 Miscellaneous law enforcement workers 3840 Miscellaneous law enforcement workers
3840 Parking enforcement workers
3850 Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers 3850 Police Officers 3850 Police Officers
3860 Transit and Railroad Police
- - 3900 Animal Control Workers 3900 Animal Control Workers
3910 Private Detectives and Investigators 3910 Private Detectives and Investigators 3910 Private Detectives and Investigators
3920 Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers 3920 Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers 3930 Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers
3940 Crossing Guards 3940 Crossing Guards 3940 Crossing Guards
- - - - 3945 Transportation Security Screeners
3950 Miscellaneous protective service workers, except crossing guards, and including animal control workers
3950 Lifeguards and Other Protective Service Workers 3955 Lifeguards and Other Recreational, and All Other Protective Service Workers
Food Preparation and Serving Occupations
4000 Chefs and Head Cooks 4000 Chefs and Head Cooks 4000 Chefs and Head Cooks
4010 First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 4010 First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers 4010 First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation and Serving Workers
4020 Cooks 4020 Cooks 4020 Cooks
4030 Food Preparation Workers 4030 Food Preparation Workers 4030 Food Preparation Workers
4040 Bartenders 4040 Bartenders 4040 Bartenders
4050 Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food 4050 Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food 4050 Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food
4060 Counter Attendant, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop 4060 Counter Attendant, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop 4060 Counter Attendant, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop
4110 Waiters and Waitresses 4110 Waiters and Waitresses 4110 Waiters and Waitresses
4120 Food Servers, Nonrestaurant 4120 Food Servers, Nonrestaurant 4120 Food Servers, Nonrestaurant
4130 Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants and Bartender Helpers 4130 Miscellaneous food preparation and serving related workers including dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers 4130 Miscellaneous food preparation and serving related workers including dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers
4160 Food Preparation and Serving Related Workers, All Other
4140 Dishwashers 4140 Dishwashers 4140 Dishwashers
4150 Host and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop 4150 Host and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop 4150 Host and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations
4200 First-Line Supervisors of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers 4200 First-Line Supervisors of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers 4200 First-Line Supervisors of Housekeeping and Janitorial Workers
4210 First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers 4210 First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers 4210 First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers
4220 Janitors and Building Cleaners 4220 Janitors and Building Cleaners 4220 Janitors and Building Cleaners
4230 Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 4230 Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 4230 Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners
4240 Pest Control Workers 4240 Pest Control Workers 4240 Pest Control Workers
4250 Grounds Maintenance Workers 4250 Grounds Maintenance Workers 4250 Grounds Maintenance Workers
Personal Care and Service Occupations
4300 First-Line Supervisors of Gaming Workers 4300 First-Line Supervisors of Gaming Workers 4300 First-Line Supervisors of Gaming Workers
4320 First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers 4320 First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers 4320 First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers
4340 Animal Trainers 4340 Animal Trainers 4340 Animal Trainers
4350 Nonfarm Animal Caretakers 4350 Nonfarm Animal Caretakers 4350 Nonfarm Animal Caretakers
4400 Gaming Services Workers 4400 Gaming Services Workers 4400 Gaming Services Workers
- - 4410 Motion Picture Projectionists 4410 Motion Picture Projectionists
4420 Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers 4420 Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers 4420 Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers
4430 Miscellaneous Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers 4430 Miscellaneous Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers 4430 Miscellaneous Entertainment Attendants and Related Workers
4460 Funeral Service Workers 4460 Funeral Service Workers 4460 Embalmers and Funeral Attendants
4500 Barbers 4500 Barbers 4500 Barbers
4510 Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists 4510 Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists 4510 Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and Cosmetologists
4520 Miscellaneous Personal Appearance Workers 4520 Miscellaneous Personal Appearance Workers 4520 Miscellaneous Personal Appearance Workers
4530 Baggage Porters, Bellhops, and Concierges 4530 Baggage Porters, Bellhops, and Concierges 4530 Baggage Porters, Bellhops, and Concierges
4540 Tour and Travel Guides 4540 Tour and Travel Guides 4540 Tour and Travel Guides
4550 Transportation Attendants 4550 Transportation Attendants - Comparable to OCC codes 9050 and 9415
4600 Childcare Workers 4600 Childcare Workers 4600 Childcare Workers
4610 Personal Care Aides 4610 Personal Care Aides 4610 Personal Care Aides
4620 Recreation and Fitness Workers 4620 Recreation and Fitness Workers 4620 Recreation and Fitness Workers
4640 Residential Advisors 4640 Residential Advisors 4640 Residential Advisors
4650 Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other 4650 Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other 4650 Personal Care and Service Workers, All Other
Sales and Related Occupations
4700 First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 4700 First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers 4700 First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers
4710 First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales 4710 First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales 4710 First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales
4720 Cashiers 4720 Cashiers 4720 Cashiers
4740 Counter and Rental Clerks 4740 Counter and Rental Clerks 4740 Counter and Rental Clerks
4750 Parts Salespersons 4750 Parts Salespersons 4750 Parts Salespersons
4760 Retail Salespersons 4760 Retail Salespersons 4760 Retail Salespersons
4800 Advertising Sales Agents 4800 Advertising Sales Agents 4800 Advertising Sales Agents
4810 Insurance Sales Agents 4810 Insurance Sales Agents 4810 Insurance Sales Agents
4820 Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents 4820 Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents 4820 Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents
4830 Travel Agents 4830 Travel Agents 4830 Travel Agents
4840 Sales Representatives, Services, All Other 4840 Sales Representatives, Services, All Other 4840 Sales Representatives, Services, All Other
4850 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 4850 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 4850 Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing
4900 Models, Demonstrators, and Product Promoters 4900 Models, Demonstrators, and Product Promoters 4900 Models, Demonstrators, and Product Promoters
4920 Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents 4920 Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents 4920 Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents
4930 Sales Engineers 4930 Sales Engineers 4930 Sales Engineers
4940 Telemarketers 4940 Telemarketers 4940 Telemarketers
4950 Door-to-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related Workers 4950 Door-to-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related Workers 4950 Door-to-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related Workers
4960 Sales and Related Workers, All Other 4960 Sales and Related Workers, All Other 4965 Sales and Related Workers, All Other
Office and Administrative Support Occupations
5000 First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 5000 First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers 5000 First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers
5010 Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 5010 Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service 5010 Switchboard Operators, Including Answering Service
5020 Telephone Operators 5020 Telephone Operators 5020 Telephone Operators
5030 Communications Equipment Operators, All Other 5030 Communications Equipment Operators, All Other 5030 Communications Equipment Operators, All Other
5100 Bill and Account Collectors 5100 Bill and Account Collectors 5100 Bill and Account Collectors
5110 Billing and Posting Clerks 5110 Billing and Posting Clerks 5110 Billing and Posting Clerks
5120 Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 5120 Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks 5120 Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
5130 Gaming Cage Workers 5130 Gaming Cage Workers 5130 Gaming Cage Workers
5140 Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks 5140 Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks 5140 Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks
5150 Procurement Clerks 5150 Procurement Clerks 5150 Procurement Clerks
5160 Tellers 5160 Tellers 5160 Tellers
5200 Brokerage Clerks 5200 Brokerage Clerks 5200 Brokerage Clerks
5210 Correspondence Clerks 5350 Correspondent clerks and order clerks 5350 Correspondent clerks and order clerks
5350 Order Clerks
5220 Court, Municipal, and License Clerks 5220 Court, Municipal, and License Clerks 5220 Court, Municipal, and License Clerks
5230 Credit Authorizers, Checkers, and Clerks 5230 Credit Authorizers, Checkers, and Clerks 5230 Credit Authorizers, Checkers, and Clerks
5240 Customer Service Representatives 5240 Customer Service Representatives 5240 Customer Service Representatives
5250 Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs 5250 Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs 5250 Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs
5260 File Clerks 5260 File Clerks 5260 File Clerks
5300 Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks 5300 Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks 5300 Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks
5310 Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan 5310 Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan 5310 Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan
5320 Library Assistants, Clerical 5320 Library Assistants, Clerical 5320 Library Assistants, Clerical
5330 Loan Interviewers and Clerks 5330 Loan Interviewers and Clerks 5330 Loan Interviewers and Clerks
5340 New Account Clerks 5340 New Account Clerks 5340 New Account Clerks
5360 Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping 5360 Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping 5360 Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping
5400 Receptionists and Information Clerks 5400 Receptionists and Information Clerks 5400 Receptionists and Information Clerks
5410 Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks 5410 Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks 5410 Reservation and Transportation Ticket Agents and Travel Clerks
5420 Information and Record Clerks, All Other 5420 Information and Record Clerks, All Other 5420 Information and Record Clerks, All Other
5500 Cargo and Freight Agents 5500 Cargo and Freight Agents 5500 Cargo and Freight Agents
5510 Couriers and Messengers 5510 Couriers and Messengers 5510 Couriers and Messengers
5520 Dispatchers 5520 Dispatchers 5520 Dispatchers
5530 Meter Readers, Utilities 5530 Meter Readers, Utilities 5530 Meter Readers, Utilities
5540 Postal Service Clerks 5540 Postal Service Clerks 5540 Postal Service Clerks
5550 Postal Service Mail Carriers 5550 Postal Service Mail Carriers 5550 Postal Service Mail Carriers
5560 Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators 5560 Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators 5560 Postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine Operators
5600 Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks 5600 Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks 5600 Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks
5610 Shipping, Receiving, and Traffic Clerks 5610 Shipping, Receiving, and Traffic Clerks 5610 Shipping, Receiving, and Traffic Clerks
5620 Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 5620 Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 5620 Stock Clerks and Order Fillers
5630 Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers, Recordkeeping 5630 Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers, Recordkeeping 5630 Weighers, Measurers, Checkers, and Samplers, Recordkeeping
5700 Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 5700 Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 5700 Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
5800 Computer Operators 5800 Computer Operators 5800 Computer Operators
5810 Data Entry Keyers 5810 Data Entry Keyers 5810 Data Entry Keyers
5820 Word Processors and Typists 5820 Word Processors and Typists 5820 Word Processors and Typists
5840 Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks 5840 Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks 5840 Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks
5850 Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service 5850 Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service 5850 Mail Clerks and Mail Machine Operators, Except Postal Service
5860 Office Clerks, General 5860 Office Clerks, General 5860 Office Clerks, General
5900 Office Machine Operators, Except Computer 5900 Office Machine Operators, Except Computer 5900 Office Machine Operators, Except Computer
5910 Proofreaders and Copy Markers 5910 Proofreaders and Copy Markers 5910 Proofreaders and Copy Markers
5920 Statistical Assistants 5920 Statistical Assistants 5920 Statistical Assistants
5930 Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other - - - -
5830 Desktop Publishers 5930 Miscellaneous office and administrative support workers including desktop publishers 5940 Miscellaneous office and administrative support workers including desktop publishers
- - 5165 Financial Clerks, All Other
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
6000 First-Line Supervisors/Managers/Contractors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers 6000 First-Line Supervisors/Managers/Contractors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers 6005 First-Line Supervisors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers
6010 Agricultural Inspectors 6010 Agricultural Inspectors 6010 Agricultural Inspectors
6040 Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products 6040 Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products 6040 Graders and Sorters, Agricultural Products
6020 Animal Breeders 6050 Miscellaneous agricultural workers including animal breeders 6050 Miscellaneous agricultural workers including animal breeders
6050 Miscellaneous agricultural workers
6100 Fishers and Related Fishing Workers 6100 Fishing and hunting workers 6100 Fishing and hunting workers
6110 Hunters and Trappers
6120 Forest and Conservation Workers 6120 Forest and Conservation Workers 6120 Forest and Conservation Workers
6130 Logging Workers 6130 Logging Workers 6130 Logging Workers
Construction and Extraction Occupations
6200 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 6200 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 6200 First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers
6210 Boilermakers 6210 Boilermakers 6210 Boilermakers
6220 Brickmasons, Blockmasons, and Stonemasons 6220 Brickmasons, Blockmasons, and Stonemasons 6220 Brickmasons, Blockmasons, and Stonemasons
6230 Carpenters 6230 Carpenters 6230 Carpenters
6240 Carpet, Floor, and Tile Installers and Finishers 6240 Carpet, Floor, and Tile Installers and Finishers 6240 Carpet, Floor, and Tile Installers and Finishers
6250 Cement Masons, Concrete Finishers, and Terrazzo Workers 6250 Cement Masons, Concrete Finishers, and Terrazzo Workers 6250 Cement Masons, Concrete Finishers, and Terrazzo Workers
6260 Construction Laborers 6260 Construction Laborers 6260 Construction Laborers
6300 Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators 6300 Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators 6300 Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators
6310 Pile-Driver Operators 6320 Construction equipment operators except paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators 6320 Construction equipment operators except paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators
6320 Operating Engineers and Other Construction Equipment Operators
6330 Drywall Installers, Ceiling Tile Installers, and Tapers 6330 Drywall Installers, Ceiling Tile Installers, and Tapers 6330 Drywall Installers, Ceiling Tile Installers, and Tapers
6350 Electricians 6350 Electricians 6355 Electricians
6360 Glaziers 6360 Glaziers 6360 Glaziers
6400 Insulation Workers 6400 Insulation Workers 6400 Insulation Workers
6420 Painters, Construction and Maintenance 6420 Painters, Construction and Maintenance 6420 Painters, Construction and Maintenance
6430 Paperhangers 6430 Paperhangers 6430 Paperhangers
6440 Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 6440 Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 6440 Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
6460 Plasterers and Stucco Masons 6460 Plasterers and Stucco Masons 6460 Plasterers and Stucco Masons
6500 Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Workers 6500 Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Workers 6500 Reinforcing Iron and Rebar Workers
6510 Roofers 6510 Roofers 6515 Roofers
6520 Sheet Metal Workers 6520 Sheet Metal Workers 6520 Sheet Metal Workers
6530 Structural Iron and Steel Workers 6530 Structural Iron and Steel Workers 6530 Structural Iron and Steel Workers
6600 Helpers, Construction Trades 6600 Helpers, Construction Trades 6600 Helpers, Construction Trades
6660 Construction and Building Inspectors 6660 Construction and Building Inspectors 6660 Construction and Building Inspectors
6700 Elevator Installers and Repairers 6700 Elevator Installers and Repairers 6700 Elevator Installers and Repairers
6710 Fence Erectors 6710 Fence Erectors 6710 Fence Erectors
6720 Hazardous Materials Removal Workers 6720 Hazardous Materials Removal Workers 6720 Hazardous Materials Removal Workers
6730 Highway Maintenance Workers 6730 Highway Maintenance Workers 6730 Highway Maintenance Workers
6740 Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators 6740 Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators 6740 Rail-Track Laying and Maintenance Equipment Operators
6750 Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners - - 6765 Miscellaneous construction workers including solar Photovaltaic Installers, and septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners
6760 Miscellaneous Construction and Related Workers 6760 Miscellaneous construction workers including septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners
Extraction Workers
6800 Derrick, Rotary Drill, and Service Unit Operators, Oil, Gas, and Mining 6800 Derrick, rotary drill, and service unit operators, and roustabouts, oil, gas, and mining 6800 Derrick, rotary drill, and service unit operators, and roustabouts, oil, gas, and mining
6920 Roustabouts, Oil and Gas
6820 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas 6820 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas 6820 Earth Drillers, Except Oil and Gas
6830 Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters 6830 Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters 6830 Explosives Workers, Ordnance Handling Experts, and Blasters
6840 Mining Machine Operators 6840 Mining Machine Operators 6840 Mining Machine Operators
6910 Roof Bolters, Mining 6940 Miscellaneous extraction workers including roof bolters and helpers 6940 Miscellaneous extraction workers including roof bolters and helpers
6930 Helpers--Extraction Workers
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers
7000 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 7000 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 7000 First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers
7010 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers 7010 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers 7010 Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers
7020 Radio and Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers 7020 Radio and Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers 7020 Radio and Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers
7030 Avionics Technicians 7030 Avionics Technicians 7030 Avionics Technicians
7040 Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers 7040 Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers 7040 Electric Motor, Power Tool, and Related Repairers
7050 Electrical and Electronics Installers and Repairers, Transportation Equipment 7100 Electrical and electronics repairers, transportation equipment, and industrial and utility 7100 Electrical and electronics repairers, transportation equipment, and industrial and utility
7100 Electrical and electronics repairers, transportation equipment, and industrial and utility
7110 Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles 7110 Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles 7110 Electronic Equipment Installers and Repairers, Motor Vehicles
7120 Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers and Repairers 7120 Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers and Repairers 7120 Electronic Home Entertainment Equipment Installers and Repairers
7130 Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers 7130 Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers 7130 Security and Fire Alarm Systems Installers
7140 Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians 7140 Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians 7140 Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians
7150 Automotive Body and Related Repairers 7150 Automotive Body and Related Repairers 7150 Automotive Body and Related Repairers
7160 Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers 7160 Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers 7160 Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers
7200 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics 7200 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics 7200 Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
7210 Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists 7210 Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists 7210 Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
7220 Heavy Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Service Technicians and Mechanics 7220 Heavy Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Service Technicians and Mechanics 7220 Heavy Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Service Technicians and Mechanics
7240 Small Engine Mechanics 7240 Small Engine Mechanics 7240 Small Engine Mechanics
7260 Miscellaneous Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 7260 Miscellaneous Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers 7260 Miscellaneous Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers
7300 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers 7300 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers 7300 Control and Valve Installers and Repairers
7310 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers 7310 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers 7315 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
7320 Home Appliance Repairers 7320 Home Appliance Repairers 7320 Home Appliance Repairers
7330 Industrial and Refractory Machinery Mechanics 7330 Industrial and Refractory Machinery Mechanics 7330 Industrial and Refractory Machinery Mechanics
7340 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 7340 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 7340 Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
7350 Maintenance Workers, Machinery 7350 Maintenance Workers, Machinery 7350 Maintenance Workers, Machinery
7360 Millwrights 7360 Millwrights 7360 Millwrights
7410 Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers 7410 Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers 7410 Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers
7420 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers 7420 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers 7420 Telecommunications Line Installers and Repairers
7430 Precision Instrument and Equipment Repairers 7430 Precision Instrument and Equipment Repairers 7430 Precision Instrument and Equipment Repairers
7510 Coin, Vending, and Amusement Machine Servicers and Repairers 7510 Coin, Vending, and Amusement Machine Servicers and Repairers 7510 Coin, Vending, and Amusement Machine Servicers and Repairers
7520 Commercial Divers 7620 Other Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers Including Commercial Divers, and Signal and Track Switch Repairers 7630 Other Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers Including Wind Turbine Service Technicians, and Commercial Divers, and Signal and Track Switch Repairers
7600 Signal and Track Switch Repairers
7540 Locksmiths and Safe Repairers 7540 Locksmiths and Safe Repairers 7540 Locksmiths and Safe Repairers
7550 Manufactured Building and Mobile Home Installers 7550 Manufactured Building and Mobile Home Installers 7550 Manufactured Building and Mobile Home Installers
7560 Riggers 7560 Riggers 7560 Riggers
7610 Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers 7610 Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers 7610 Helpers--Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers
Production Occupations
7700 First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers 7700 First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers 7700 First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers
7710 Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers 7710 Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers 7710 Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging, and Systems Assemblers
7720 Electrical, Electronics, and Electromechanical Assemblers 7720 Electrical, Electronics, and Electromechanical Assemblers 7720 Electrical, Electronics, and Electromechanical Assemblers
7730 Engine and Other Machine Assemblers 7730 Engine and Other Machine Assemblers 7730 Engine and Other Machine Assemblers
7740 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters 7740 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters 7740 Structural Metal Fabricators and Fitters
7750 Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 7750 Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators 7750 Miscellaneous Assemblers and Fabricators
7800 Bakers 7800 Bakers 7800 Bakers
7810 Butchers and Other Meat, Poultry, and Fish Processing Workers 7810 Butchers and Other Meat, Poultry, and Fish Processing Workers 7810 Butchers and Other Meat, Poultry, and Fish Processing Workers
7830 Food and Tobacco Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders 7830 Food and Tobacco Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders 7830 Food and Tobacco Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders
7840 Food Batchmakers 7840 Food Batchmakers 7840 Food Batchmakers
7850 Food Cooking Machine Operators and Tenders 7850 Food Cooking Machine Operators and Tenders 7850 Food Cooking Machine Operators and Tenders
- Comparable to OCC code 8960 - - 7855 Food Processing Workers, All Other
7900 Computer Control Programmers and Operators 7900 Computer Control Programmers and Operators 7900 Computer Control Programmers and Operators
7920 Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7920 Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7920 Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
7930 Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7930 Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7930 Forging Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
7940 Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, metal and Plastic 7940 Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, metal and Plastic 7940 Rolling Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, metal and Plastic
7950 Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7950 Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7950 Cutting, Punching, and Press Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
7960 Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7960 Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 7960 Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8000 Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8000 Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8000 Grinding, Lapping, Polishing, and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8010 Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8010 Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8010 Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8020 Milling and Planing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8220 Miscellaneous metal workers and plastic workers including milling and planing machine setters, and multiple machine tool setters, and lay-out workers 8220 Miscellaneous metal workers and plastic workers including milling and planing machine setters, and multiple machine tool setters, and lay-out workers
8120 Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8160 Lay-Out Workers, Metal and Plastic
8220 Metalworkers and Plastic Workers, All Other
8030 Machinists 8030 Machinists 8030 Machinists
8040 Metal Furnace Operators, Tenders, Pourers, and Casters 8040 Metal Furnace Operators, Tenders, Pourers, and Casters 8040 Metal Furnace Operators, Tenders, Pourers, and Casters
8060 Model Makers and Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic 8060 Model Makers and Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic 8060 Model Makers and Patternmakers, Metal and Plastic
8100 Molders and Molding Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8100 Molders and Molding Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8100 Molders and Molding Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8130 Tool and Die Makers 8130 Tool and Die Makers 8130 Tool and Die Makers
8140 Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers 8140 Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers 8140 Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers
8150 Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8150 Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8150 Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8200 Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8200 Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic 8200 Plating and Coating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic
8210 Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners 8210 Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners 8210 Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners
8230 Bookbinders and Bindery Workers 8230 Bookbinders and Bindery Workers 8256 Print Binding and Finishing Workers
8240 Job Printers 8240 Job Printers
8255 Printing Machine Operators
8260 Printing Machine Operators 8260 Printing Machine Operators
8250 Prepress Technicians and Workers 8250 Prepress Technicians and Workers 8250 Prepress Technicians and Workers
8300 Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers 8300 Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers 8300 Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Workers
8310 Pressers, Textile, Garment, and Related Materials 8310 Pressers, Textile, Garment, and Related Materials 8310 Pressers, Textile, Garment, and Related Materials
8320 Sewing Machine Operators 8320 Sewing Machine Operators 8320 Sewing Machine Operators
8330 Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers 8330 Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers 8330 Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers
8340 Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders 8340 Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders 8340 Shoe Machine Operators and Tenders
8350 Tailors, Dressmakers, and Sewers 8350 Tailors, Dressmakers, and Sewers 8350 Tailors, Dressmakers, and Sewers
8360 Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders 8400 Textile bleaching and dyeing, and cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders 8400 Textile bleaching and dyeing, and cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders
8400 Textile Cutting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
8410 Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8410 Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8410 Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
8420 Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8420 Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8420 Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
8450 Upholsterers 8450 Upholsterers 8450 Upholsterers
8430 Extruding and Forming Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Synthetic and Glass Fibers 8460 Miscellaneous textile, apparel, and furnishings workers except upholsterers 8460 Miscellaneous textile, apparel, and furnishings workers except upholsterers
8440 Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers
8460 Textile, Apparel, and Furnishings Workers, All Other
8500 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters 8500 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters 8500 Cabinetmakers and Bench Carpenters
8510 Furniture Finishers 8510 Furniture Finishers 8510 Furniture Finishers
8520 Model Makers and Patternmakers, Wood 8550 Miscellaneous woodworkers including model makers and patternmakers 8550 Miscellaneous woodworkers including model makers and patternmakers
8550 Woodworkers, All Other
8530 Sawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Wood 8530 Sawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Wood 8530 Sawing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Wood
8540 Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing 8540 Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing 8540 Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Except Sawing
8600 Power Plant Operators, Distributors, and Dispatchers 8600 Power Plant Operators, Distributors, and Dispatchers 8600 Power Plant Operators, Distributors, and Dispatchers
8610 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators 8610 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators 8610 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Operators
8620 Water Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators 8620 Water Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators 8620 Water Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators
8630 Miscellaneous Plant and System Operators 8630 Miscellaneous Plant and System Operators 8630 Miscellaneous Plant and System Operators
8640 Chemical Processing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8640 Chemical Processing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8640 Chemical Processing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
8650 Crushing, Grinding, Polishing, Mixing, and Blending Workers 8650 Crushing, Grinding, Polishing, Mixing, and Blending Workers 8650 Crushing, Grinding, Polishing, Mixing, and Blending Workers
8710 Cutting Workers 8710 Cutting Workers 8710 Cutting Workers
8720 Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8720 Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8720 Extruding, Forming, Pressing, and Compacting Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
8730 Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders 8730 Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders 8730 Furnace, Kiln, Oven, Drier, and Kettle Operators and Tenders
8740 Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers 8740 Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers 8740 Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers, and Weighers
8750 Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers 8750 Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers 8750 Jewelers and Precious Stone and Metal Workers
8760 Medical, Dental, and Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians 8760 Medical, Dental, and Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians 8760 Medical, Dental, and Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians
8800 Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders 8800 Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders 8800 Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and Tenders
8810 Painting Workers 8810 Painting Workers 8810 Painting Workers
8830 Photographic Process Workers and Processing Machine Operators 8830 Photographic Process Workers and Processing Machine Operators 8830 Photographic Process Workers and Processing Machine Operators
8840 Semiconductor Processors 8960 Other production workers including semiconductor processors and cooling and freezing equipment operators 8965 Other production workers including semiconductor processors and cooling and freezing equipment operators
8900 Cooling and Freezing Equipment Operators and Tenders
8960 Production Workers, All Other
8850 Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders 8850 Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders 8850 Adhesive Bonding Machine Operators and Tenders
8860 Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders 8860 Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders 8860 Cleaning, Washing, and Metal Pickling Equipment Operators and Tenders
8910 Etchers and Engravers 8910 Etchers and Engravers 8910 Etchers and Engravers
8920 Molders, Shapers, and Casters, Except Metal and Plastic 8920 Molders, Shapers, and Casters, Except Metal and Plastic 8920 Molders, Shapers, and Casters, Except Metal and Plastic
8930 Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8930 Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders 8930 Paper Goods Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders
8940 Tire Builders 8940 Tire Builders 8940 Tire Builders
8950 Helpers--Production Workers 8950 Helpers--Production Workers 8950 Helpers--Production Workers
Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
9000 Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers 9000 Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers 9000 Supervisors of Transportation and Material Moving Workers
9030 Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers 9030 Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers 9030 Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers
9040 Air Traffic Controllers and Airfield Operations Specialists 9040 Air Traffic Controllers and Airfield Operations Specialists 9040 Air Traffic Controllers and Airfield Operations Specialists
- Comparable to OCC code 4550 - Comparable to OCC code 4550 9050 Flight Attendants
- - 9110 Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians 9110 Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians
9120 Bus Drivers 9120 Bus Drivers 9120 Bus Drivers
9130 Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers 9130 Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers 9130 Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers
9140 Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs 9140 Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs 9140 Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs
9150 Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other 9150 Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other 9150 Motor Vehicle Operators, All Other
9200 Locomotive Engineers and Operators 9200 Locomotive Engineers and Operators 9200 Locomotive Engineers and Operators
9230 Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators 9230 Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators 9230 Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators
9240 Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters 9240 Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters 9240 Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters
9260 Subway, Streetcar, and Other Rail Transportation Workers 9260 Subway, Streetcar, and Other Rail Transportation Workers 9260 Subway, Streetcar, and Other Rail Transportation Workers
9300 Sailors and Marine Oilers 9300 Sailors and marine oilers, and ship engineers 9300 Sailors and marine oilers, and ship engineers
9330 Ship Engineers
9310 Ship and Boat Captains and Operators 9310 Ship and Boat Captains and Operators 9310 Ship and Boat Captains and Operators
9350 Parking Lot Attendants 9350 Parking Lot Attendants 9350 Parking Lot Attendants
9360 Service Station Attendants 9360 Service Station Attendants 9360 Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants
9410 Transportation Inspectors 9410 Transportation Inspectors 9410 Transportation Inspectors
- Comparable to OCC code 4550 - Comparable to OCC code 4550 9415 Transportation Attendants, Except Flight Attendants
9340 Bridge and Lock Tenders 9420 Miscellaneous transportation workers including bridge and lock tenders and traffic technicians 9420 Miscellaneous transportation workers including bridge and lock tenders and traffic technicians
9420 Other transportation workers
9510 Crane and Tower Operators 9510 Crane and Tower Operators 9510 Crane and Tower Operators
9520 Dredge, Excavating, and Loading Machine Operators 9520 Dredge, Excavating, and Loading Machine Operators 9520 Dredge, Excavating, and Loading Machine Operators
9500 Conveyor Operators and Tenders 9560 Conveyor operators and tenders, and hoist and winch operators 9560 Conveyor operators and tenders, and hoist and winch operators
9560 Hoist and Winch Operators
9600 Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 9600 Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators 9600 Industrial Truck and Tractor Operators
9610 Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment 9610 Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment 9610 Cleaners of Vehicles and Equipment
9620 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 9620 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 9620 Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand
9630 Machine Feeders and Offbearers 9630 Machine Feeders and Offbearers 9630 Machine Feeders and Offbearers
9640 Packers and Packagers, Hand 9640 Packers and Packagers, Hand 9640 Packers and Packagers, Hand
9650 Pumping Station Operators 9650 Pumping Station Operators 9650 Pumping Station Operators
9720 Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors 9720 Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors 9720 Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors
9730 Shuttle Car Operators 9750 Miscellaneous material moving workers including shuttle car operators, and tank car, truck, and ship loaders 9750 Miscellaneous material moving workers including shuttle car operators, and tank car, truck, and ship loaders
9740 Tank Car, Truck, and Ship Loaders
9750 Material Moving Workers, All Other
Military Specific Occupations
9800 Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders 9800 Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders 9800 Military Officer Special and Tactical Operations Leaders
9810 First-Line Enlisted Military Supervisors 9810 First-Line Enlisted Military Supervisors 9810 First-Line Enlisted Military Supervisors
9820 Military Enlisted Tactical Operations and Air/Weapons Specialists and Crew Members 9820 Military Enlisted Tactical Operations and Air/Weapons Specialists and Crew Members 9820 Military Enlisted Tactical Operations and Air/Weapons Specialists and Crew Members
9830 Military, Rank Not Specified 9830 Military, Rank Not Specified 9830 Military, Rank Not Specified
9920 Unemployed, with No Work Experience in the Last 5 Years or Earlier or Never Worked 9920 Unemployed, with No Work Experience in the Last 5 Years or Earlier or Never Worked 9920 Unemployed, with No Work Experience in the Last 5 Years or Earlier or Never Worked

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