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IND is an un-recoded variable that reports the type of industry in which the person performed an occupation, which is recorded in the variables OCC (Occupation) and OCC1950 (Occupation, 1950 basis). In census usage, "industry" currently refers to work setting and economic sector, as opposed to the worker's specific technical function, or "occupation". Prior to 1930, the occupation and industry concepts were not so clearly distinguishable from one another.

Some persons work in more than one industry. Generally, the instructions asked for the industry from which the person earned the most money. Respondents not sure about this were to report the industry in which they spent the most time. For persons listing more than one industry, the samples use the first one listed. Persons not currently employed were to give their most recent industry.

Universe Note: "New Workers" are persons seeking employment for the first time, who had not yet secured their first job.

Note Regarding Multi-Year Samples: In Multi-Year ACS files, IND codes are based on the year that the file was publicly released (see YEAR). For example, in the 2011-2015 5-year ACS sample, the IND codes for respondents from 2011 and 2012 were crosswalked by the Census Bureau to the set of IND codes used in 2015 to create a single vintage of the industry variable. See the Industry and Occupation Code Lists and Crosswalks page on the Census Bureau's website for more guidance on how codes are matched across years.