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Type Codes 2022
YEAR Census year [preselected] H codes X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
YGPS Latitude (Y coordinate) - Urban Transition Project H codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . .
YNGCH Age of youngest own child in household P codes X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
YRAK Year of migration to Alaska P codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . .
YRIMMIG Year of immigration P codes X X X X X X X X Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
X . . . X X X X . . . .
YRIMMIHI Year of migration to Hawaii P codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . .
YRIMMIPR Year of immigration to Puerto Rico P codes Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . . . . Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . . . .
YRLASTWK Year last worked P codes . . . . . . X X X X X . . . . . . . . . .
YRMARR Year married P codes X X X X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
YRNATUR Year naturalized P codes X X X X . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . .
YRSHI Years in Hawaii P codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . .
YRSPR Years in Puerto Rico P codes Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . . . . . . Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . . . .
YRSPR2 Year of immigration to Puerto Rico (intervalled) P codes Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . . . . Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
. . . . .
YRSUSA1 Years in the United States P codes X X X X X X . . . . . . . X X X X . . . .
YRSUSA2 Years in the United States, intervalled P codes X X X X X X X X Variable is not available in the selected sample, but is available in another sample in this year. Click on the variable name and view "availability".
X . . . X X X X . . . .