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Census Published Tables

Volume 1: Statistics of Population Part I

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Statistics of Population: Introduction PDF
Section 2: Statistics of Population: Introduction, cont. PDF
Section 3: Appendix A: Report on Boundaries of Territorial Acquisitions PDF
Section 4: States, Territories, and Counties PDF
Section 5: Minor Civil Divisions PDF
Section 6: Minor Civil Divisions, cont. PDF
Section 7: Minor Civil Divisions, cont. PDF
Section 8: Cities, Towns, Villages, and Boroughs PDF
Section 9: Sex, General Nativity, and Color PDF
Section 10: Sex, General Nativity, and Color, cont. PDF
Section 11: State or Territory of Birth PDF
Section 12: Country of Birth PDF
Section 13: Foreign Parentage PDF
Section 14: Citizenship and Years in the United States PDF

Volume 2: Statistics of Population Part II

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Introduction: Elements of the Population PDF
Section 2: Introduction: Elements of the Population, cont. PDF
Section 3: Appendix: Form of Schedule for the Enumeration of the Population PDF
Section 4: Tables 1 - 9: Ages PDF
Section 5: Tables 10 - 27: School, Militia, and Voting Ages PDF
Section 6: Tables 28 - 32: Conjugal Condition PDF
Section 7: Tables 33 - 55: School Attendance PDF
Section 8: Tables 56 - 84: Illiteracy PDF
Section 9: Tables 85 - 90: Cannot Speak English PDF
Section 10: Tables 91 - 94: Occupations PDF
Section 11: Tables 95 - 104: Dwellings and Families PDF
Section 12: Tables 105 - 115: Proprietorship of Homes PDF

Volume 3: Vital Statistics Part I: Analysis and Ratio Tables

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Introductory - Locality in Relation to Death PDF
Section 2: Causes of Death PDF
Section 3: Occupations in Relation to Death PDF
Section 4: Description of Areas For Which Data is Given in This Report PDF
Section 5: Tables 1 - 7 PDF
Section 6: Tables 8 - 18 PDF
Section 7: Table 19 PDF
Section 8: Table 19, Cont. PDF
Section 9: Ratio Tables: Tables 20 - 26 PDF
Section 10: Ratio Tables: Population Tables 27 and 28 PDF

Volume 4: Vital Statistics Part II: Statistics of Deaths

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Tables 1 - 6 PDF
Section 2: Table 7: Cause of Death PDF
Section 3: Table 8: Cause, Sex, and Age PDF
Section 4: Table 8: Cause, Sex, and Age, cont. PDF
Section 5: Table 8: Cause, Sex, and Age, cont. PDF
Section 6: Tables 9 and 10 PDF
Section 7: Tables 11 and 12 PDF
Section 8: Table 13: Cause, Age, and Month PDF
Section 9: Table 13: Cause, Age, and Month, Cont. PDF

Volume 5: Agriculture Part I: Farms, Live Stock, and Animal Products

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Introduction PDF
Section 2: Introduction, cont. PDF
Section 3: General Tables: 1 - 10 PDF
Section 4: General Tables: 10, cont. - 18 PDF
Section 5: General Tables: 19 - 34 PDF
Section 6: General Tables: 35 - 43 PDF
Section 7: General Tables: 44 - 63 PDF
Section 8: Agriculture on Indian Reservations PDF
Section 9: Agricultural Schedules: 1850 to 1900 PDF

Volume 6: Agriculture Part II: Crops and Irrigation

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Maps PDF
Section 1: Cereals: Tables 1 - 54 PDF
Section 2: Cereals, cont. Tables 55 - 58 PDF
Section 3: Hay and Forage: Tables 1 - 12 PDF
Section 4: Vegetables: Tables 1 - 22 PDF
Section 5: Cotton, Hemp, and Flaxseed: Tables 1 - 14 PDF
Section 6: Sugar, Sirup, and Molasses: Tables 1 - 15 PDF
Section 7: Miscellaneous Crops: Tables 1 - 20 PDF
Section 8: Fruits, Nuts, and Forest Products: Tables 1 - 7 PDF

Volume 7: Manufactures Part I: United States by Industries

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Census of Manufactures: Plan, Methods, and Scope PDF
Section 2: Summary and Analysis of Results PDF
Section 3: Urban Manufactures PDF
Section 4: Power Employed in Manufactures PDF
Section 5: Description of General Tables PDF
Section 6: General Tables: Specified Industries - United States by States PDF
Section 7: Manufacturing Industries by States and Territories PDF
Section 8: Manufacturing Industries by States and Territories, cont. PDF
Section 9: Manufacturing Industries by States and Territories, cont. PDF
Section 10: Manufacturing Industries by States and Territories, cont. PDF
Section 11: Manufacturing Industries by States and Territories, cont. PDF
Section 12: Manufacturing Industries by States and Territories, cont. PDF
Section 13: Appendices PDF

Volume 8: Manufactures Part II: States and Territories

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Manufactures by States and Territories: Alabama - Idaho PDF
Section 2: Manufactures by States and Territories: Illinois - Louisiana PDF
Section 3: Manufactures by States and Territories: Maine - Minnesota PDF
Section 4: Manufactures by States and Territories: Mississippi - New Mexico PDF
Section 5: Manufactures by States and Territories: New York - Ohio PDF
Section 6: Manufactures by States and Territories: Oklahoma - Tennessee PDF
Section 7: Manufactures by States and Territories: Texas - Wyoming PDF
Section 8: Comparative Summary and Statistics of Cities PDF
Section 9: Index PDF

Volume 9: Manufactures Part III Special Reports on Selected Industries

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Combined Textiles: Cotton PDF
Section 2: Combined Textiles: Wool PDF
Section 3: Flax, Hemp, and Jute Products - Flouring and Grist Mill Products PDF
Section 4: Slaughtering and Meat Packing - Salt PDF
Section 5: Beet Sugar - Manufactured Ice PDF
Section 6: Leather - Leather Gloves and Mittens PDF
Section 7: Lumber - Clay Products PDF
Section 8: Glass - Printing and Publishing PDF

Volume 10: Manufactures Part IV Special Reports on Selected Industries

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Iron and Steel - Zinc Smelting and Refining PDF
Section 2: Electrical Apparatus and Supplies - Carriages and Wagons PDF
Section 3: Bicycles and Tricycles - Watches and Watch Cases PDF
Section 4: Pens and Pencils - Chemicals PDF
Section 5: Petroleum Refining - Patents in Relation to Manufactures PDF
Section 6: Appendix - Digest of Patents Relating to Chemical Industries PDF

Census Bulletins

Bulletins 1 - 60

Section I: Title Page, Table of Contents PDF
Section 1: Bulletins 2 - 10 PDF
Section 2: Bulletins 11 - 17 PDF
Section 3: Bulletins 18 - 23 PDF
Section 4: Bulletins 24 - 31 PDF
Section 5: Bulletins 32 - 39 PDF
Section 6: Bulletins 40 - 47 PDF
Section 7: Bulletins 48 - 55 PDF
Section 8: Bulletins 56 - 60 PDF

Bulletins 61 - 106

Section I: Title Page, Table of Contents, Table of Census Bulletins PDF
Section 1: Bulletins 61 - 69 PDF
Section 2: Bulletins 70 - 79 PDF
Section 3: Bulletins 80 - 86 PDF
Section 4: Bulletins 87 - 95 PDF
Section 5: Bulletins 96 - 103 PDF
Section 6: Bulletins 104 - 106 PDF

Bulletins 107 - 163

Section I: Title Page, Table of Contents PDF
Section 1: Bulletins 107 - 111 PDF
Section 2: Bulletins 112 - 118 PDF
Section 3: Bulletins 119 - 124 PDF
Section 4: Bulletins 125 - 133 PDF
Section 5: Bulletins 134 - 141 PDF
Section 6: Bulletins 142 - 146 PDF
Section 7: Bulletins 147 - 150 PDF
Section 8: Bulletins 151 - 157 PDF
Section 9: Bulletins 158 - 159 PDF
Section 10: Bulletins 160 - 163 PDF

Bulletins 164 - 208

Section I: Title Page PDF
Section 1: Bulletins 164 - 172 PDF
Section 2: Bulletins 173 - 177 PDF
Section 3: Bulletins 178 - 184 PDF
Section 4: Bulletins 185 - 193 PDF
Section 5: Bulletins 194 - 198 PDF
Section 6: Bulletins 199 - 203 PDF
Section 7: Bulletins 204 - 208 PDF

Census Bulletins: Topics

Special Report: Occupations

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Report on Occupations PDF
Section 2: Comparison of Occupations at the Twelfth and Preceding Censuses PDF
Section 3: Summary and Analysis of Results PDF
Section 4: Appendix A: Instructions to Enumerators PDF
Section 5: Appendix B: Summary of the Laws Regulating the Employment of Children PDF
Section 6: General Tables PDF
Section 7: States and Territories PDF
Section 8: States and Territories, cont. PDF
Section 9: Principal Cities Part 1 PDF
Section 9: Principal Cities Part 2 PDF

Bulletin 4: A Discussion of Increase of Population


Bulletin 8: Negroes in the United States

Title Page PDF
Chapter 1: The Negro Population PDF
Chapter 2: General Tables PDF
Chapter 3: General Tables, cont. PDF

Bulletin 13: A Discussion of Age Statistics

Title Page PDF
Chapter 1: A Discussion of Age Statistics PDF
Chapter 2: Appendix A and B PDF

Bulletin 14: Proportion of the Sexes in the United States


Bulletin 15: Discussion of Vital Statistics

Title Page PDF
Chapter 1: Tables 1 - 10 PDF

Bulletin 22: Proportion of Children in the United States


Bulletin 23: Census Statistics of Teachers


Bulletins 62 - 179

Section 1: Bulletins 62 - 64 PDF
Section 2: Bulletins 79 - 81, 83 PDF
Section 3: Bulletins 96 - 98, 100 - 103, 109 PDF
Section 4: Bulletins 131 - 135, 139, 140 PDF
Section 5: Bulletins 150 - 153 PDF
Section 6: Bulletins 154 - 157 PDF
Section 7: Bulletins 158 and 159 PDF
Section 8: Bulletins 160 - 164 PDF
Section 9: Bulletins 165, 166, 170 - 175 PDF
Section 10: Bulletins 176 - 179 PDF

Bulletin 89: Population of Oklahoma and Indian Territory 1907


Bulletin 101: Industrial Districts 1905


Bulletin 102: Telegraph Systems 1907


Bulletin 103: Religious Bodies 1906


Bulletin 104: Mortality Statistics


Bulletin 104a: Tables


Bulletin 105: Abstract of Annual Report Statistics of Cities 1907


Bulletin 106: Supply and Distribution of Cotton, for the year ending August 31, 1909


Bulletin 107: Cotton Production 1909


Bulletin 108: Mortality Statistics 1909


Bulletin 108a: Tables


Bulletin 109: Population by States and Territories 1910


Bulletin 110: Supply and Distribution of Cotton, for the year ending August 31st, 1910


Other Census Publications

1900 Census Enumeration Instructions


Twelfth Census Abstract

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Apportionment PDF
Section 2: Population PDF
Section 3: Mortality PDF
Section 4: Agriculture PDF
Section 5: Manufacturers PDF
Section 6: Glossary and List of Publications PDF

Supplementary Analysis and Derivative Tables 1900

Section I: Title Page, Preface, and Contents PDF
Section 1: Supplementary Analysis PDF
Section 2: Age PDF
Section 3: Interstate Migration PDF
Section 4: Occupations PDF
Section 5: Supplement PDF
Section 6: Derivative Tables PDF
Section 7: Derivative Tables, cont. PDF
Section 8: Derivative Tables, cont. PDF
Section 9: Derivative Tables, cont. PDF
Section 10: Index PDF

Statistics of Women at Work 1907

Section I: Title Page and Table of Contents PDF
Section 1: Statistics of Women at Work PDF
Section 2: General Tables PDF
Section 3: General Tables, cont. PDF
Section 4: General Tables, cont. PDF
Section 5: Index PDF

Mines and Quarries 1902

Section I: Title Page, Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Plan and Scope of Inquiry, Summary of Results, and Electricity in Mining PDF
Section 2: Mines and Quarries by States and Territories PDF
Section 3: General Tables and Detailed Summaries PDF
Section 4: Reports on Separate Minerals PDF
Section 5: Reports on Separate Minerals, cont. PDF
Section 6: Reports on Separate Minerals, cont. PDF
Section 7: Reports on Separate Minerals, cont. PDF
Section 8: Reports on Separate Minerals, cont. PDF
Section 9: Appendices PDF

Employees and Wages 1903

Section I: Title Page, Table of Contents, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Report on Employees and Wages PDF
Section 2: Comparison by Occupation PDF
Section 3: Tables 17 - 32: Comparison of Wages by Selected Occupations PDF
Section 4: Tables 33 - 48: Comparison of Wages by Selected Occupations, cont. PDF
Section 5: Tables 49 - 74: Comparison of Wages by Selected Occupations, cont. PDF
Section 6: Tables 75 - 83: Comparison of Wages by Selected Occupations, cont. PDF
Section 7: The 1900 Total PDF
Section 8: Comparison by Establishments PDF
Section 9: Comparison by Establishments, cont. PDF
Section 10: Comparison by Establishments, cont. PDF
Section 11: Comparison of Rates and Earnings of Same Employees PDF
Section 12: Glossary PDF
Section 13: List of Occupations PDF

The Blind and the Deaf 1900

Section I: Title Page PDF
Section 1: The Blind PDF
Section 2: General Tables PDF
Section 3: The Deaf PDF
Section 4: General Tables PDF
Section 5: Index PDF

Statistical Atlas

Section I: Title Page, Table of Contents, List of Illustrations, and Letter of Transmittal PDF
Section 1: Population PDF
Section 2: Vital Statistics PDF
Section 3: Agriculture PDF
Section 4: Manufactures PDF

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